Dromina GAA

Founded 1888

All Ireland tickets Draw results

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Draw Results

6 x 2 Stand Tickets

Seamus O’ Donnell

Paddy O’ Connell

Denis O’ Donovan

Sheila O’ Connell

George Murray

Liam Hayes Jnr

2 x Hill 16 tickets

Jack Hayes


Following a review of our proposed draw having received feedback from members the proposed draw has now been scrapped and the following draw will take place.

All members who have put their name forward for tickets will be placed into one drum, each name that is pulled out will receive a pair of tickets.

There will be 6 draws for 2 x stand tickets and 1 draw for 2 x Hill 16 tickets.

We will also pull two names out after these draws who will be placed into a reserve and for any reason tickets are returned or we receive more tickets these people will be given first refusal.

The draw will still take place at 3pm outside the clubhouse and all members are welcome to attend with COVID guidelines in place. As stated before we understand people will be disappointed but unfortunately this is out of our control and we can not be any fairer.

Best of luck to all members seeking tickets.

#update# Please note change, it was previously posted that there would be a juvenile draw this is a draw for the juvenile committee members and not juveniles we apologise for the error on that regard.

The following draws will take place tomorrow

Committee for 1 x pair of tickets

Juvenile Committee for 1 x pair of tickets

Players draw for 2 x pairs of tickets

Members draw for 2 x pairs of tickets and 1 x pair of Hill 16 tickets.

We are fully aware that people are going to be disappointed but under the current circumstances with the capacity at half we find ourselves in this unsatisfactory situation and it is completely out of our control. We are trying to be as fair and transparent as we possibly can, this Is why we again please ask that you only enter the draw if you are intending on going to the game. To those who are in the draw we wish you the best of luck. Draw time is unchanged at 3pm tomorrow outside the club house.

Following tonight’s meeting with regard to All Ireland tickets the following draw has been agreed on. The club has received 12 stand tickets and 2 hill 16 tickets. All tickets are in pairs and will be given out in pairs. Stand tickets €90 per ticket and Hill 16 tickets €50 per ticket.

Committee draw for one pair of tickets for all committee members only.

Juvenile committee draw for one pair of tickets for juvenile committee members only.

Players draw for two pairs of tickets for all players.

Members draw for two pairs of tickets and one pair of Hill 16 tickets.

Any person including juveniles who has not come out in prior draws will all be included in members draw. As tickets are extremely scarce the club respectively asks that only anyone intending on travelling to the match themselves will enter into the draws.

Unfortunately as tickets are so limited and in such demand this is the only way we feel we can be fair to everyone. The draw will take place this Sunday 15th at 3pm in the clubhouse and everyone is welcome to attend with Covid guidelines and social distancing in place. The very best of luck to all looking for tickets. Best of luck to our Cork seniors 🇦🇹🇦🇹🇦🇹

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