Dromina GAA

Founded 1888

Membership is now due. DEADLINE IS 21st OF MARCH.

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Membership is now due

 ⏺️Discounts will apply to family memberships once members are added.


What is the Rebels’ Bounty?
 The Rebels’ Bounty is a fundraising initiative for Cork GAA that offers members the chance to win significant cash prizes throughout the year. Memberships that include the Rebels’ Bounty automatically register you for this draw. By participating, you are not only supporting Dromina GAA but also contributing to the development of players and facilities across the county.

Why Join Dromina GAA?
 Becoming a member is more than just supporting a club—it’s about being part of a community that values teamwork, tradition, and progress. Your membership directly supports:
            •          Our teams and players across all levels.
            •          The maintenance and improvement of club facilities.
            •          The long-term growth and success of our club.
How to Register
Membership can be renewed through any Club officer or via online payment methods. Early registration is encouraged to help the club prepare for another great season.

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